Presien Privacy Policy
In the course of carrying out our activities, PFP Robotics Pty Ltd (ACN 623 308 289) trading as Presien (we, us or our), and our subsidiaries and related bodies corporate, will collect, store, use and disclose personal information. We are committed to the protection of your personal information and to compliance with applicable privacy laws.
Personal information
Personal information and/or personal data (the terms commonly used in applicable privacy laws), is information or an opinion about an identified or reasonably identifiable individual, whether or not the information or opinion is true and whether or not the information is recorded in a material form.
Types of personal information we collect and hold
We collect and hold personalinformation about individuals for the provision of our products (including ourdevices and hardware) and services (including our websites, mobile applicationsand other online platforms and services) and purposes connected to thoseproducts and services.
Consistent with the provision ofour products and services, the types of personal information we may collect,and hold includes:
- Identity and contact details –including individuals’ name, address (including business address), telephonenumber, email address;
- Location and GPS information –including location information from real-time signals and past activity that isassociated with devices / hardware used in conjunction with our products andservices (including via an individual’s vehicle);
- Video images and metadata –audio-visual and visual images and recordings, including of individuals(including their faces) as well as other related metadata (such as time,location, and other settings) that is derived from, and/or associated with,devices / hardware used in conjunction with our products and services;
- Payment details – if individualspurchase goods and/or services from us, information associated with theirpayment and card details (please note payment transactions are processed by anauthorised third party and are encrypted by the acquiring bank so we will notretain any payment card details);
- Profile data – profileinformation, usernames, passwords and preference data, and related information;and
- Other information – text ofcommunications gathered in the course of our interaction with you, includingwhere you comment within our platforms and/or otherwise interact on live-chat,social media and emails, and other information from your interactions with usonline, including cookie information, security tokens, IP address, URL’s,search histories and other associated information.
Relevant to the General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR), the basis for our processing of your personal information under the GDPR is with your consent and to enable us to perform the contract with you related to the services you have asked us to provide. If you don’t provide us with personal information, we are unlikely to be able to provide you with our products and services.
How we collect and hold personal information
We may collect personal information directly from you in the course of providing our products and services, from our website, mobile applications and other online platforms, and/or directly from you, including using cookies (data files placed on your device or computer), log files and security tokens.
Personal information is held securely, is subject to various security protections and is held only for as long as the information remains relevant to the purpose for which it was collected.
Purposes for which we hold, use and disclose personal information
We will not use or disclosepersonal information for any secondary purpose, unless that secondary purposeis related to the primary purpose for which we have collected that information,and you would reasonably expect the disclosure in the circumstances, or unlessyou consent to that use or disclosure.
The purposes for which we collect,hold, use and disclose information may include:
- conducting our business, whichincludes providing our services, or the services of a third party, to you;
- to communicate information aboutour products and services or third party products or services that may be ofinterest to you; and
- (where you have consented, if suchconsent is required by law) to provide you with information or advertisingrelating to our products or services (including targeted advertisements) ormarketing communications we believe may be of interest to you;
- to improve and optimise ourplatforms (including our websites and mobile applications) and services;
- for our internal administrative,research, planning, marketing and product development purposes; and
- to comply with legal obligations.
Our disclosures of personal Information to third parties
We may also disclose personal information to:
- third party service providers for the purpose of enablingthem to provide their services, to us, including (without limitation) thirdparty technology and marketing partners, including but not limited to AmazonWeb Services and Google (including Google Analytics) and other technology andmarketing service providers, distributors, debt collectors, couriers, ITservice providers, data storage, web-hosting and server providers, emailmarketing providers, maintenance or problem-solving providers, professional advisorsand payment system operators;
- our employees, contractors and/or related entities;
- our existing or potential agents or business partners;
- sponsors or promoters of any promotions or competition werun;
- anyone to whom our business or assets (or any part of them)are, or may (in good faith) be, transferred;
- courts, tribunals and regulatory authorities, in the eventyou fail to pay for goods or services we have provided to you;
- courts, tribunals, regulatory authorities and lawenforcement officers, as required or authorised by law, in connection with anyactual or prospective legal proceedings, or in order to establish, exercise ordefend our legal rights; third parties to collect and process data, such asGoogle Analytics (To find out how Google uses data when you use third partywebsites or applications, please see or any other URL Google may use from time to time), Facebook Pixel or otherrelevant analytics businesses; and
- any other third parties as required or permitted by law,such as where we receive a subpoena.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
We will review and update this Privacy Policy from time to time as needed without notice. Therefore, you should review the terms of this policy periodically to make sure that you are aware of how we collect, hold, store and use personal information.
Access and correction
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure any personaldata we collect, use or disclose is up to date and accurate. If you believepersonal information that we hold about you is not up to date or accurate, youmay ask us to correct it.
You may ask us to provide you with details of the personalinformation we hold about you, and copies of that information. We will respondto your request and attempt to provide you with the data within 30 days ofreceipt of your request.
If we provide you with copies of the information you haverequested, to the extent permitted by law, we may charge you a reasonable feeto cover the administrative costs of providing you with that information.
Please direct all request for access and correction
Some other rights in relation to your privacy
Relevant to the GDPR, some individuals also have a right, incertain circumstances, to have the information held about them erased. You cantalk to us further about this at Such individuals can alsorequest that we restrict or suspend the processing of your personalinformation. If you do so, note that we will then be most likely unable toprovide the services to you.
The GDPR also provides that in some circumstances,individuals have a right to data portability, to withdraw their consent at anytime, to object to data processing and to object to processing of data formarketing purposes.
Overseas disclosure
Relevant to the GDPR, in order to provide our services toyou, we may disclose the information which we process to countries outside theEuropean Economic Area (EEA). Regardless of the location of our processing, wewill impose adequate data protection safeguards and implement appropriatemeasures to ensure that your personal data is protected in accordance withapplicable data protection laws.
In relation to our Australian operations, we may, in thecourse of providing products and services, disclose personal information tooverseas entities including by utilising overseas data servers to processinformation. Those overseas entities may be located in the United Kingdomand/or the EEA.
If you consider a breach of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) or GDPR has occurred, you may direct your query to our Privacy Officer using the details set out below and we will attempt to resolve your complaint.
If you do not consider our response satisfactory, you may contact the Australian Privacy Commissioner at its website or by telephone on 1300 363 992. For EU individuals, you can contact your relevant local data protection authority, which can be located at via the European Data Protection Supervisor and/or the following link:
Contacting us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy and would like further information, please contact us at